Our company has reliable partnerships with the Chinese railway representation and provides multiple drop-off points throughout China. As of June 2022, we have become a terminal receiving agent, which allows us to receive rail groupage containers from China into our warehouse.
Join over 200 companies who trust us to keep their shipments safe.
Our colleagues’ decades of experience and personal network help meet the demands and service needs efficiently.
Our reliability is further supported by the long-standing ‘AAA’ certification from Dun & Bradstreet, earned by only about 0.63% of companies in the Hungarian market. Additionally, our AEO and ISO9001 certifications ensure the transparency and safety of our processes.
Thanks to precise adherence to deadlines and ongoing communication during freight forwarding, we support our partners’ work with a high level of predictability and transparency.
We strive to be available even outside regular hours. In urgent cases, our colleagues can be reached via mobile phone or email.
For easier tracking and record-keeping, we can provide reports upon request regarding ongoing shipments.
If needed, we send reports multiple times a day regarding the current status of shipments, and we provide regular reports as well.
Each of our partners has a dedicated contact person, ensuring continuity in handling shipping needs and details, as the same coordinator oversees each shipment.
Our reliability is underscored by our longstanding Dun & Bradstreet ‘AAA’ rating, ISO9001 certification, as well as our Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification, which represents the highest level of cooperation with customs authorities.
It is highly satisfying as we receive high-quality service; the team responds promptly to our requests, and the fees are competitive.
A reliable partner, always dependable for their services, and importantly, they respond promptly.
I've been working with DTD for years; the company is characterized by accuracy and reliability. I highly recommend them to everyone.
By clicking on the ‘Request for proposal’ tab, you can choose the type of transportation method (road freight, air freight, sea freight, railway freight) you wish to use.
Please provide the precise dimensions and other details of the shipment, as well as the starting and destination points of the delivery.
Our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible, so you just need to wait for their answer.
H-2220 Vecsés, Cargo City, 325.épület, 1.lh. 1.em. A102.2
H-2890 Tata, Csever u. 2./F.
2004 – 2023 Door To Door Express. All Rights Reserved.
Made by scaleagency
Bence Lévai